Panama continues to lead the Latin American region as a top choice for a second residency. It’s not hard to see why this heavenly mix of modern and tropical attracts so many travelers and potential residents. Whether you or your clients are seeking international city living, beach relaxation or long for a bohemian mountain lifestyle, Panama is the top contender.
Trade Mission Overview:
Discover the reasons people are choosing Panama when looking for a change of pace, enriching their lifestyle, or wanting to take advantage of an already established and steadily growing infrastructure that aids in diversifying their international portfolios. This tour is a great opportunity to connect with the ECI team and globally minded industry insiders with the end goal of helping your clients own a vacation home, or something more, in a beautiful, quiet, and safe natural setting.
Through this trade mission, explore firsthand all that Panama has to offer.
Trade Mission Agenda:
When: June 23 - 27, 2021
In Person:
US$999.00 per person
US$1599.00 per couple
Virtual: US$99.00
Have clients looking for a second residency? With as little as a $10,000USD investment, they can qualify for Panama's attractive residency program. They can even add parents, a spouse,
or kids as dependents.
Complete the form to join us in the Panama Trade Mission and find out why Panama is an attractive option to add to your client's international ownership and second residency shortlist.